Small Groups
Over the years, I’ve had good, bad, and then good thoughts about small groups. I’ve seen short-term success turn into problems after problems. But, I’ve seen more success than ever when we changed our ideology about small groups.
Small groups at TrueVine have revolutionized the way we do church and have created a stable environment for long-term sustainable growth.
After 13 yrs of small groups, we have seen an uptick in growth and community within the church. In a nutshell, our group’s goal is to get the Sunday crowd moved to our mid-week. Historically, we’ve seen that only half the Sunday attendance attends mid-week. So the question pastors/leaders have is, why is there such a fall off from Sunday?
Our small group system address that very question.
Download Your Free Small Groups Guide
The Need For Small Groups
The Preplanning To Launch Successful Groups
The Administration Infrastructure For Growth
The Goal And The Win
If you like more information on small groups or would like to converse, please fill out the form below and contact me. We're here to answer your questions and guide you through the process of beginning small groups with success.
Reach us through
28780 Old Town Front Street
Temecula, CA 92590 - 951-795-2315
- [email protected]